MCS targets our local communities in all three locations by participating in local community activities, and sponsoring and volunteering through various local charities we select. By volunteering our time, MCS employees benefit from leadership and skill development, team building, loyalty and retention, employee recruitment, improved pubic reputation, and a stronger community. Volunteering defines our corporate responsibility, redefines our company’s image, and develops employee character traits. MCS will allow their employees to volunteer their time within the community to promote personal growth and self-esteem, strengthen our community, encourage civic responsibility, and make a difference in local people’s lives. MCS has identified two areas which are listed below:
1 Collaborate with out parent companies to make monetary donations to local charities of our choice.
2 Identify and evaluate opportunities to supplement MCS employee contributions toward community organizations.
3 Periodically review, modify, and improve our monetary donations to ensure its continued alignment with the future needs of our project and our region.
4 MCS will provide an opportunity for employees to take Paid Time Off or use unallowable funds to volunteer within our community for their local charity of choice or company sponsored charities.
MCS commits to a beneficial partnership with DOE, aimed at enhancing the vitality and sustainability of our regional communities through economic diversification, educational assistance, and social support. Because MCS operates with two production facilities/processing plants, and supported by the Lexington Business Office, our goal is to think globally but act locally. This plan outlines our social responsibility to the communities that surround us, provides visibility for both DOE and MCS, all while promoting a positive word of mouth and goodwill. Not only does the community benefit from having their needs met and fulfilled, both MCS and DOE benefit from nurturing personal goals, causes we care about, and boosting morale.