MCS establishes a Purchasing Program with a solicitation preference toward regional businesses while complying with our DOE-approved purchasing system. We will conduct business alliances with regional vendors, coordinate with Chambers of Commerce, and small business development centers. MCS targets the following areas:
Local and Small Business Engagement
1 Identify regional small businesses and vendors for training and mentoring programs to enable companies to compete fairly and effectively for subcontracts and purchase orders.
2 Encourage the formation of regional trade associations that will enable regional businesses to meet future project needs.
3 Coordinate with Chambers of Commerce and Small Business Development Centers on small business opportunities.
4 Conduct Safety Fairs in all three locations, which gives local businesses opportunities to showcase their goods and services.
5 Promote project spending with local businesses, as allowed under the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR).
6 In partnership with Southern Ohio Diversification Initiative (SODI), MCS will donate excess property to SODI allowing the local community to benefit from excess property located at the Portsmouth site.